Sicona Battery Technologies

Sicona Battery Technologies

Sicona develops next-generation battery materials technology used in the anodes (negative electrodes) of lithium-ion (“Li-ion”) batteries that enable electric-mobility and storage of renewable energy. Sicona is commercialising an innovative silicon-composite battery anode technology, developed and perfected over the last ten years at the Australian Institute for Innovative Materials (AIIM). Sicona’s current generation silicon-composite anode technology delivers 50% to 100% higher capacity than conventional graphite anodes and its anode materials can deliver more than 50% higher cell energy density than current Li-ion batteries. In addition, Sicona has developed a water-based binder that has a 3D network structure, improved electro-conductivity, and self-healing properties that significantly increases the cycle of next generation anodes. Sicona uses off the shelf equipment in a highly scalable and efficient manufacturing process to produce its active anode materials and polymer binder. Sicona intends to produce and sell high performance active anode and binder materials into the fast-growing global battery market through a focused partnership approach with established and reputable supply chain partner companies.


Climate tech focus

Reduce emissions

Company mission

Our mission is to increase the speed of EV adoption so that ALL passenger vehicles on the road are powered by batteries & electricity by 2050. Thereby taking gigatonnes of CO2 out of the atmosphere & helping save thousands of lives through cleaner air

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