Airconnect Holdings Pty Ltd
HVAC is the naughty kid of the energy world!
Climate tech focus
Company mission
We know that 80% of buildings in Australia and the United States are in the mid-tier sector, and less than 50% of this asset class has any automation or smarts. Therefore, it makes sense to start with HVAC, as the energy intensity is high, and for a machine that we need in every building and home.. their energy performance ratio is mostly low. To drive the most efficient outcome, we leverage machine learning to manage the balance between building energy demand, HVAC consumption, and grid export. And so our vison is to be the enabler, in enhancing every mid-tier building allowing it to perform to 6-stars or beyond.
Product information
This data is only available with an Australian Climate Tech Insights membership.
History and team
This data is only available with an Australian Climate Tech Insights membership.