Technology Accelerating Transition of powered equipment to Smart Battery
Climate tech focus
Company mission
We are the enabling technology that accelerate the transition of ICE devices to battery powered electric. By reducing equipment cost below parity with ICE and improving user experience we show the pathway like Tesla has done with the car industry.
Small internal combustion engines (ICE) are the most polluting engines on an emission per unit of power basis. The number of these engines being produced each year is estimated at 100 million units and is increasing rapidly. In 2030, that number is likely to 125 million and will likely contribute more to air pollution than cars. -Reduce your carbon footprint when using rechargeable electric-powered tools. Electric tools lower emissions and energy consumption without sacrificing power or efficiency. -Full circular economy company with batteries repurposed or recycled -Zero impact adventure starts here! Say No to fumes, smelly gas can and motor oils. Operate your caravans using sustainable and renewable energy. -Store power generated by the solar array for use during the night, as well as to charge e-mobility devices when the sun goes down. -Support Eco Conscious Consumer Behaviour and create a a positive climate change movement -Accelerate transition to net zero -Mobility that clears the air and calms the spirit -Emission free transportation to save the planet with every step.
Product information
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History and team
This data is only available with an Australian Climate Tech Insights membership.