

At Onvol, we make energy harvesters that capture energy from the motion of the device to which they are attached. This means that we can power industrial internet connected devices on things that move without the need for batteries. Our solution is maintenance-free and provides uninterrupted power for the life of the device. Not only does this eliminate the hassle, hazards and toxic waste of batteries but it’s also an order of magnitude cheaper than batteries in many applications like powering condition monitoring sensors in wind turbine blades. We are Onvol, Powering your cleaner, smarter world!

Female Founder

Climate tech focus

Reduce emissions
Improve Environment

Company mission

At Onvol, we’re on a mission to reduce electronic waste and contribute to a cleaner environment by providing a sustainable solution for powering internet of things devices. Our energy harvesters capture energy from the natural environment, eliminating the need for batteries and reducing the hazards and toxic waste of batteries. By replacing even 5% of batteries in these applications with our energy harvesters, we could save approximately 14.3 billion batteries annually by 2025. According to EnABLES research, about 78 million batteries powering IoT devices will be dumped globally every day by 2025 if nothing is done to improve their lifespan. We are Onvol, on the mission to provide battery free clean power for smart connected devices!

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