Defining Future Solutions

Defining Future Solutions

My company vision is all things safety, our first solution being the combined light and smoke detector further reducing carbon footprint and with additional fire safety features for building occupants and first responder fire fighters especially. There is no other product like this in the world, our patents span six countries and it has recently been reviewed by two peak fire safety organisations that agree it can propel building safety into the next decade.

POC Founder
Data & Finance

Climate tech focus

Reduce emissions
Improve Environment

Company mission

Our innovations will be as iconic as other notable Australian technology inventions such as the black box flight recorder, the ultrasound scanner, the cochlear implant, the powerboard, wi-fi and the polilight forensic lamp amongst others BUT our innovations will use technology in a way to reduce carbon footprint on the basis of less energy required to operate. _Did you know that in the 14 years from July 2003 to June 2017, 147 went to sleep (in 115 preventable residential fires) in Queensland and didn’t wake up because of housefire, (an average of 10.5 deaths per year). There was a ‘Hall of Fame’ board on the floor of the Office of the Queensland Chief Entrepreneur in 2020. I asked Leanne Kemp at the end of her term as Chief Entrepreneur whether she could see Defining Future Solutions on this board in 2021. Her answer was that in 2021 we can be the ‘Hall of Fame’. That ‘Hall of Fame’ board is no longer there but our ‘Hall of Fame’ will be the lives our product and future products save. _

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