Farmed Carbon
Farmed Carbon is on a mission to remove a gigaton of CO2 p.a. It will achieve this through the development of technology that turns agricultural waste that would otherwise be burnt into bio-asphalt, permanently sequestering CO2 that would otherwise be released into the atmosphere while at the same time providing an alternative to fossil fuel derived products. Stuart and David are serial entrepreneurs. They exited their last company, Look Who's Charging, in 2021 so they could focus their time and resources to make a meaningful difference to Climate Change.
Climate tech focus
Company mission
Farmed Carbon's mission is to permanently lock-away over 1 billion tonnes of CO2e annually. The growing of rice sequesters a significant amount of CO2 however all the good work is undone after the rice is harvested, when the straw is burnt. Farmed Carbon is developing an alternative approach which permanently locks away the greenhouse gases. Once scaled it has the potential to reduce the amount of CO2e gases in our atmosphere by more than 1.5 gigatons. The process also generates revenue from the creation of multiple bio-products which typically would have been produced using fossil fuels. Farmers also benefit as the bio-char produced increases Rice yields and reduces the water required per tonne of Rice produced
Product information
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History and team
This data is only available with an Australian Climate Tech Insights membership.