

Globally the renewables industry is clouded by a combination of inefficient verification and corporate deception. The Sunified UNITY™ Anchor and Platform disrupts carbon credit verification by making it 14,000 times faster, i.e. a carbon credit, REC, iREC or EnergyTag in 5 minutes, not 30 days. UNITY™ Anchor is patented sensor hardware that creates high-fidelity green energy data from the source of generation, e.g. each solar panel. Our Anchor sits at the proof-of-fusion, generating data from photons. We digitise packets of energy data every 30sec (10 X 30sec packets every 5 minutes) as verified green energy, ready to trade. The data is secured directly into the blockchain, providing an immutable green crypto-anchor and foundational truth for compliance reporting of green energy. Available via the Sunified platform (PaaS), this data also provides a range of dynamic opportunities enabled by analytics and Al, e.g. fractional solar park ownership. In addition, the Sunified Group is building a distributed network of 5MW Solar Parks around Australia connected to the National Energy Market with the digital intelligence to automatically buy and sell energy for the best price. Combined, the Sunified solar assets and technology create a grid-level virtual power plant and provide the best renewable energy returns. Our key development partners include Blockstream, Bausch Datacom, IBM, GreenPowerMonitor (a DNV GL Company), Siemens, SMA, Talesun and Sunfolding. Working together we can #tag #greenenergy verify #greenbonds and provide transparency and be a #dataoracle and #greensignal that the #carbon tracking apps require and emissions auditors need. EnergyTag Industry #technology enables the tracking and proper retirement of #greencredits 2Tokens Working Group is #TokenizingEnergy


Climate tech focus

Reduce emissions
Remove emissions
Improve Environment

Company mission

Developers of an integrated PV panel sensor, delivering new, deep-tech data critical to infrastructure driving the energy transition. 

The UNITY sensor is an industrial IoT chip manufactured into PV panels to deliver high-fidelity production data (and digital twin). UNITY data uses cryptography features and blockchain for immutability, enabling machine learning (ML) and AI to drive production efficiency and energy trust (provenance). 

This new data set, supported by both Edge and Cloud compute, hosts multiple applications, starting with utility-scale solar, where it creates financial performance benefits on a solar park of 7% to 12% (year on year)

Our hosted API platform will provide data with wide-ranging applications, including operations & maintenance (O&M), insurance, finance (including green bonds) and fractionalised ownership. 

The business model derives revenue from both chip sales and an annual license fee (of $US$2.25 per solar panel) for access to the data platform. There are currently over 1 million chip pre-orders. We already hold patents for this technology in 35 countries.

Also, our new logos are attached, there is both a colour and white version. Please use the colour version for the Air Table update. Please resend the Linkedin art with both Colour and white variations, so I can make a decision on usage.

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