A platform to protect Australia's precious biodiversity. Forever. One square metre at a time.
Climate tech focus
Company mission
Wilderlands have developed one of the world’s first voluntary biodiversity units and created a platform to make it easy for individuals and organisations to start protecting nature today The Biological Diversity Unit (BDU) represents a 1sqm plot of permanently-protected and actively managed land in high ecological value projects across Australia. Each unit is geotagged enabling supporters to zoom in and see the exact location of their units via their personal profile page and receive regular reports from expert ecologists on the ground and watch as nature flourishes thanks to their support. The units are underpinned by a proprietary methodology designed by Wilderlands expert ecology team that leverages state conservation covenant regulations (to achieve permanent protection) as well as incorporating leading ecosystem management practices that are implemented across all Wilderlands projects. Wilderlands currently support four projects across Australia including Coorong Lakes, Crowes Lookout, Alleena, and Budgerum. Since launching in early August 2022, Wilderlands have protected over 60,000 square metres of vulnerable ecosystems with supporters ranging from individuals through to large organisations, philanthropists and several environmental advisory groups. Wilderlands have been selected to be part of the United Nations Biodiversity Credits Alliance after being invited to attend their Biodiversity Conference (COP15) in Montreal in December. Wilderlands have also been part of the inaugural Silverstrand Biodiversity Accelerator as well as selected for the Melbourne Accelerator Program, and received coverage from major publications including The Wall Street Journal, World Economic Forum, Australian Financial Review, ABC, Startup Daily and many more outlets.
Product information
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History and team
This data is only available with an Australian Climate Tech Insights membership.